
WARNING: There is a maximum of 25 participants allowed.

Registration is a two-step process

Registration and payment of fees will be done through the CNRS Azur Colloque website. Please comply with the following steps:

  1. Pre-registration from this website (click the button below). This will connect you to Azur Colloque
  2. Complete the registration and payment of the fees via Azur Colloque website after receiving a confirmation email and a link to finalize your registration.

Payment can be done by credit card or by bank transfer (purchase order).

Purchase order should be addressed to:

Agent Comptable secondaire du CNRS
Pôle ressources
Délégation Régionale Centre-Est
17 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54519 Vandoeuvre les Nancy cedex


Registration fees

  • Lecturer (whatever your organization): free of charge
  • CNRS members: free of charge
  • Non-CNRS members (academic): 250 €
  • Non-academic participants: 500 €

Fees include participation to the workshop, and full board accomodation (2 nights and 4 meals)

Whatever your status, you must register following the two steps.




Online user: 10